If You Want to Avoid Your Inevitable Murder

In case you haven’t heard, there was this “Unite the Right” rally held in Charlottesville just a bit ago.

What is significant about this gathering of human filth is that this time the Nazis and other assorted garbage, openly professed their love for fascism. Chanting shit like “Blood and Soil” and “You will not replace us” quickly led to a confrontation with a couple dozen student protesters at the University of Virginia.

The fascists surrounded the students who were preventing access to the Confederate statue. Holding a sign which explicitly rejected White Supremacy, these students should be an inspiration to all and the ultimate sign that youth are hardly “special snowflakes” or “overly sensitive”, not when they– unarmed– stood down many times their number, armed, while the Nazis shouted many slurs and hate.

The next day, meanwhile, an outraged fascist, on his way out from the gathering, drove into a group of counter-protestors killing one and injuring dozens.

I want to emphasize this– what happened here was that the so-called “Alt-Right” abandoned any pretense to being non-fascist, and embraced outright murder. Additionally, I want to emphasize another fact– the time for delusions is over; non-violence is not going to prevail, what the left needs now is armed and ideologically disciplined peoples militias to counter the growing far-right extremist paramilitaries. The United States is heading to Civil War and capitalism is in deep decay. Conservatives, liberals (“Social Fascists”), progressives, whatever reformist you want to invoke, is not going to stop the spread of fascism.

You, as a Queer person, are now at a crossroad: you can either continue to embrace these asinine illusions of things getting better (unlikely to happen) or you can arm yourself, reject White Nationalism, and become a revolutionary anti-capitalist. Stop kidding yourself– capitalism is not going to save the world, fascism will not protect you, only the collapse of capitalism and the erection of a socialist fraternity will make the world a better place.

I want to make this very clear, that this reaction, this morbid and racist attitude that has permeated the Gay community lately needs to go. Your masculinity will not save you. Acting all “tough” and “macho” and “masculine” will not save you nor will being a Republican. Not even joining the fascists themselves– the few so-called ‘Left-wing Fascists’– will not save you; little-known fact: the Nazi Party had some openly Gay members and even leaders. You know what happened to them? They were murdered by the other Nazis in the Night of Long Knives. If you join the fascists, they will murder you sooner or later.

Enough is fucking enough.

If you are a liberal or progressive, a Dem. or a Green or a DSA member, you need to accept reality and that a violent necessity stands before us; that this fascist movement will not be stopped by chanting or holding hands or voting in the Social Fascists of the moribund Democratic Party. Read Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao. Read on the labor struggle and anti-imperialism, anti-capitalist theory and practice. Seriously, get with it already; the right-wing is getting their theory in order and so should you.

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