About Degrading Flith: A Pride Month Statement

It is nearly over, that awful spectacle which happens every year—(No) Pride Month, a time where liberal and progressive Queers congregate to congratulate themselves on being asswipes.

You may think I am being too harsh but the opposite is true, if anything, I am not being harsh enough because after the shit I have seen this month, I know I am not being as critical as I should warrant. What shit, you ask? Well, let me lay it out for you.

  • Pig Pride and the Shit’s Collaborators: Police have no place in Pride. In case you forgot, police were the thugs who brutalized, raped, and murdered Queer people. Especially, working class Queer people. Frankly, I don’t give a shit if some Gay or Lesbian or Trans gender pig gets their feelings hurt at being excluded. Why don’t I care? Don’t you care, you scream, about ALL Queer Lives? My curt answer is “No”, I do not. I don’ give a rat’s fucking ass about pigs or their lives. They are enemies of the working class and should be treated as such: as far as I am concerned, Queer pigs are traitors to their community: you can’t uphold the idea of equality and equity while upholding those who promoted your genocide just a few decades ago. Fuck off.


  • Racists, Fascists, and Shit Galore: Oh, and also, fuck off if you were one of those racist, White shitheads who piss and moan about the Queer Black-Brown Pride flag or actually thanked the fucking pigs at physically arming and arresting anti-Police brutality activists who blocked your marches trying to raise awareness about the violence working class Queers face every day. Let me make this absolutely plain—FUCK OFF RACIST MOTHERFUCKERS! This applies doubly to Zionist Pride marchers who like to shout “anti-Semitism” every time their horseshit gets rejected by organizers; no, your fascist fucking asses don’t belong anywhere in Pride, not as long as Palestinians lead a second-class existence under the heel of Apartheid Israel. Take your whining and shove it up your fucking ass. Same goes for your Alt-Right love-affair with the Neo-Nazi sympathizer Milo Yannopoopylopoous and the general love-affair which demonizes Islam. Just in case the first time wasn’t rammed through your skull, let me yell again—YOU CAN’T BE QUEER AND CONSERVATIVE AND NOT BE A TRAITOR! Open a goddamn history book.


  • Corporate Dicksuckers (the Bad kind of Dicksuckers): I am going to say this: every. single. Year. Is. The. Same. Damn. Thing. Fucking honestly. I have no idea why otherwise intelligent and honest Queers rejoice for joy whenever there is a lot of corporate sponsors for the Pride parade. Asshole, use your fucking brain for something other than promoting homophobic anti-Trump conspiracy theories—corporations do not care the fuck about you! Picture after fucking picture is the same: logo this, slogan that; these capitalist bastards pay a small sum to have you float their fucking banner so they can pretend like they are bastions of fucking tolerance when it was literally fucking years ago that they didn’t even give their Queer employees benefits or recognize their Union in any fucking way. Stop being a goddamn collaborationist jackass and reject corporate sabotaging of your identity as a Queer person. Stop the corporate-capitalist bastardization of YOUR history!


  • Queer Mass-Murderers and Jizzing for Clinton: Some time ago I saw a protest sign which read something to the extent of “If Hillary won we’d be at brunch right now”. This one sign summed up everything which is wrong with the Queer community. Even decades ago, when Gay Liberation was first getting off the ground, there was a concentrated effort by radicals to stop the “plastic Gay” culture from breeding; all the revolutionary manifestoes mentioned it. But, lately, it was accelerated big time and it reeks of fascistic opportunism. Signs like this reveal the privileged, racist complacency of so many in the Gay community who can only articulate politics through the spineless, warmongering lens of the Democratic Party. Sure, let’s ignore the cishet liberals who rapidly morphed into the liberal version of the tea party, complete with anti-communism, pro-war anti-Russian narratives, absurd conspiracy theories about the president, and twisted logic which promoted their “values” through homophobic memes featuring Putin and Trump. Let’s ignore all that; even then, the fact that Queerness can’t mean anything outside of the Russia-bashing is just pathetic and is part of what is egging on another world war or nuclear conflict. Now more than ever, people should be joining a revolutionary anti-capitalist organization. Yet, instead, they have been shilling for an opportunistic imperialist (Hillary Clinton) who just a few short years ago didn’t even support Gay Marriage and whose racist, genocidal bloodthirst has destroyed Libya and constantly egged on further conflict. I’m going to say the truth: I’m “glad” Trump won because if Killary won, we would be at war with Russia right now instead of merely “getting really, really close”. If your brand of Queerness is so rooted in imperialism and consumerism that you can’t separate that from blasé statements from politicians and mindless neoliberal ideology, then you and your belief system aren’t worth jack-fucking-shit.


Likely, there are points I am missing. Honestly, Pride has never been the most political or radical lately, but just this year, it has taken a terrible, racist, transphobic turn for the worse. Seriously, it is fucking sickening seeing the degrading, warped, and just messed up shit coming from the mostly White Queer contingent lately.

Remember this—stonewall was a riot!

Stonewall was a literal fucking rebellion against police brutality; it was started and fought by Trans people of color; it was endorsed by a hesitant Left who grew to accept Queer people and their struggle for freedom after this riot brought to attention the deplorable and revolutionary potential of non-White, non-gender conforming, sexual “deviants”. Because this revolutionary potential is wasted every day by traitors and assholes alike, it is particularly disgusting to see Stonewall dishonored like this and forgotten, the narrative given over to reactionaries. It is absolutely fucking horrifying to see actual Alt-Right Queers unknowingly pushing for their own demise by associating with these Queer bashing fascist fucks. Truly, the Queer community has reached a low lately; a stunning, deplorable low.

At this point, the reality is this: unless you are anti-racist, anti-fascist, and anti-capitalism, unless you support the violent and revolutionary overthrow of the capitalists, then you are playing yourself. Someday, you will end up in a concentration camp and marvel at the efficient the gas chambers, all while wondering how such an end came, probably unaware that you placed yourself there by compromising with fascism and its liberal enablers. This is the brass tax: if you are unprepared to challenge yourself and fight the dogma you have been force-fed your whole life, then expect history to repeat itself; because, let’s be honest, at this rate, history is doing just that at an incredible fucking pace.

Help, Advice, and Windows to Me

Obviously I have not been updating this blog frequently or even irregularly at this point. This is not to say that I have not been accurately aware of when people comment or even the general stats of the blog. I have just been very preoccupied with the typical: writing essays, theorizing, waging unending blood war against the religious and political Right, and huffing fairy dust(*) (you know, the typical young adult stuff). However, I have not forgotten about the people who view my posts. I still intend on creating original multi-media content when I am able to buy a new computer but until that magically day I am moribund with my junker. But since I will be making an effort to post a least a little more frequently, and while I whittle away on my newest advice guide for ya’ll, I wanted to just post this hold-over until I am able to post something more substantial. It is just a compendium of useful posts for the wandering teen or young adult to enjoy, posts which I believe in some way of value to anyone willing to click on a site with the word “Queer” in the title. Enjoy!

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The Gay Guide to High School: A primer (of sorts) concerning some situations which you may encounter at some time in high school. Though the post/short story itself is short, there are many additional comments left by others users and myself which expound upon the core material.

Cyber-Bullying: How to Prevent and Manage Online Harassment: Online can be fun and harmful. Predators are everywhere and though the comments section on a politically charged story often come with more than one politically incorrect surprise, with this guide you will know that you are not alone nor the only one with a bit of hesitation about the internet.

Overcoming Obsession: Outgrowing Infatuation with Straight Peers: Every gay kid knows the feeling– that moment when you realize you have fallen for someone who is totally straight; the sadness, awkward feeling and loneliness. It weighs on you night and day and doesn’t make seeing him around school any easier. Read this post to gain some helpful advice on how to handle these less-than-awesome feelings.

Queer Forward: Resisting Bigotry and Struggling for Social Change: Although this post only applies to people with a hankering for activism, and has some protocol/situational advice which is only useful in large cities, I think the general contents will be of interest to anyone wanting to help alter their community for the better.

Personal Stories: Queers Talk about “Coming Out” and Accepting Themselves

Coming Out: The Inner War: I, the blogmaster (TGU), share my coming out story. Dramatic and lovely, if you enjoy reading tales of people revealing their true selves, then you will want to give this a glance.

Pride Parades: A First Timer’s Account: TGU’s tale of attending his first gay pride parade; riveting!

Love and Support: Why they are Needed: An entry which discusses the virtues of a loving family and the support they can offer to their kids who are still struggling with their own identities.

Defending Queers: The Queering of Life

The Ex-Gay Myth: A polemic concerning the fallacies of the so-called “Ex-Gay” movement and why they are liars, hypocrites, and delusional and self-loathing persons who harm the liberation movement.

In Defense of Gay Pride: In a time when so many supposedly proud gay men and lesbian women feel the need to attack the concept of Gay Pride, due to ignorant and misplaced idealism, this posts argues decisively in favor of pride as both a tool for self-empowerment, as well as a political weapon against the right-wing.

(*) Warning: Tinker Bell is a pain in the butt to catch and much crankier when you do… proceed with caution!

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