If You Want to Avoid Your Inevitable Murder

In case you haven’t heard, there was this “Unite the Right” rally held in Charlottesville just a bit ago.

What is significant about this gathering of human filth is that this time the Nazis and other assorted garbage, openly professed their love for fascism. Chanting shit like “Blood and Soil” and “You will not replace us” quickly led to a confrontation with a couple dozen student protesters at the University of Virginia.

The fascists surrounded the students who were preventing access to the Confederate statue. Holding a sign which explicitly rejected White Supremacy, these students should be an inspiration to all and the ultimate sign that youth are hardly “special snowflakes” or “overly sensitive”, not when they– unarmed– stood down many times their number, armed, while the Nazis shouted many slurs and hate.

The next day, meanwhile, an outraged fascist, on his way out from the gathering, drove into a group of counter-protestors killing one and injuring dozens.

I want to emphasize this– what happened here was that the so-called “Alt-Right” abandoned any pretense to being non-fascist, and embraced outright murder. Additionally, I want to emphasize another fact– the time for delusions is over; non-violence is not going to prevail, what the left needs now is armed and ideologically disciplined peoples militias to counter the growing far-right extremist paramilitaries. The United States is heading to Civil War and capitalism is in deep decay. Conservatives, liberals (“Social Fascists”), progressives, whatever reformist you want to invoke, is not going to stop the spread of fascism.

You, as a Queer person, are now at a crossroad: you can either continue to embrace these asinine illusions of things getting better (unlikely to happen) or you can arm yourself, reject White Nationalism, and become a revolutionary anti-capitalist. Stop kidding yourself– capitalism is not going to save the world, fascism will not protect you, only the collapse of capitalism and the erection of a socialist fraternity will make the world a better place.

I want to make this very clear, that this reaction, this morbid and racist attitude that has permeated the Gay community lately needs to go. Your masculinity will not save you. Acting all “tough” and “macho” and “masculine” will not save you nor will being a Republican. Not even joining the fascists themselves– the few so-called ‘Left-wing Fascists’– will not save you; little-known fact: the Nazi Party had some openly Gay members and even leaders. You know what happened to them? They were murdered by the other Nazis in the Night of Long Knives. If you join the fascists, they will murder you sooner or later.

Enough is fucking enough.

If you are a liberal or progressive, a Dem. or a Green or a DSA member, you need to accept reality and that a violent necessity stands before us; that this fascist movement will not be stopped by chanting or holding hands or voting in the Social Fascists of the moribund Democratic Party. Read Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao. Read on the labor struggle and anti-imperialism, anti-capitalist theory and practice. Seriously, get with it already; the right-wing is getting their theory in order and so should you.

About Degrading Flith: A Pride Month Statement

It is nearly over, that awful spectacle which happens every year—(No) Pride Month, a time where liberal and progressive Queers congregate to congratulate themselves on being asswipes.

You may think I am being too harsh but the opposite is true, if anything, I am not being harsh enough because after the shit I have seen this month, I know I am not being as critical as I should warrant. What shit, you ask? Well, let me lay it out for you.

  • Pig Pride and the Shit’s Collaborators: Police have no place in Pride. In case you forgot, police were the thugs who brutalized, raped, and murdered Queer people. Especially, working class Queer people. Frankly, I don’t give a shit if some Gay or Lesbian or Trans gender pig gets their feelings hurt at being excluded. Why don’t I care? Don’t you care, you scream, about ALL Queer Lives? My curt answer is “No”, I do not. I don’ give a rat’s fucking ass about pigs or their lives. They are enemies of the working class and should be treated as such: as far as I am concerned, Queer pigs are traitors to their community: you can’t uphold the idea of equality and equity while upholding those who promoted your genocide just a few decades ago. Fuck off.


  • Racists, Fascists, and Shit Galore: Oh, and also, fuck off if you were one of those racist, White shitheads who piss and moan about the Queer Black-Brown Pride flag or actually thanked the fucking pigs at physically arming and arresting anti-Police brutality activists who blocked your marches trying to raise awareness about the violence working class Queers face every day. Let me make this absolutely plain—FUCK OFF RACIST MOTHERFUCKERS! This applies doubly to Zionist Pride marchers who like to shout “anti-Semitism” every time their horseshit gets rejected by organizers; no, your fascist fucking asses don’t belong anywhere in Pride, not as long as Palestinians lead a second-class existence under the heel of Apartheid Israel. Take your whining and shove it up your fucking ass. Same goes for your Alt-Right love-affair with the Neo-Nazi sympathizer Milo Yannopoopylopoous and the general love-affair which demonizes Islam. Just in case the first time wasn’t rammed through your skull, let me yell again—YOU CAN’T BE QUEER AND CONSERVATIVE AND NOT BE A TRAITOR! Open a goddamn history book.


  • Corporate Dicksuckers (the Bad kind of Dicksuckers): I am going to say this: every. single. Year. Is. The. Same. Damn. Thing. Fucking honestly. I have no idea why otherwise intelligent and honest Queers rejoice for joy whenever there is a lot of corporate sponsors for the Pride parade. Asshole, use your fucking brain for something other than promoting homophobic anti-Trump conspiracy theories—corporations do not care the fuck about you! Picture after fucking picture is the same: logo this, slogan that; these capitalist bastards pay a small sum to have you float their fucking banner so they can pretend like they are bastions of fucking tolerance when it was literally fucking years ago that they didn’t even give their Queer employees benefits or recognize their Union in any fucking way. Stop being a goddamn collaborationist jackass and reject corporate sabotaging of your identity as a Queer person. Stop the corporate-capitalist bastardization of YOUR history!


  • Queer Mass-Murderers and Jizzing for Clinton: Some time ago I saw a protest sign which read something to the extent of “If Hillary won we’d be at brunch right now”. This one sign summed up everything which is wrong with the Queer community. Even decades ago, when Gay Liberation was first getting off the ground, there was a concentrated effort by radicals to stop the “plastic Gay” culture from breeding; all the revolutionary manifestoes mentioned it. But, lately, it was accelerated big time and it reeks of fascistic opportunism. Signs like this reveal the privileged, racist complacency of so many in the Gay community who can only articulate politics through the spineless, warmongering lens of the Democratic Party. Sure, let’s ignore the cishet liberals who rapidly morphed into the liberal version of the tea party, complete with anti-communism, pro-war anti-Russian narratives, absurd conspiracy theories about the president, and twisted logic which promoted their “values” through homophobic memes featuring Putin and Trump. Let’s ignore all that; even then, the fact that Queerness can’t mean anything outside of the Russia-bashing is just pathetic and is part of what is egging on another world war or nuclear conflict. Now more than ever, people should be joining a revolutionary anti-capitalist organization. Yet, instead, they have been shilling for an opportunistic imperialist (Hillary Clinton) who just a few short years ago didn’t even support Gay Marriage and whose racist, genocidal bloodthirst has destroyed Libya and constantly egged on further conflict. I’m going to say the truth: I’m “glad” Trump won because if Killary won, we would be at war with Russia right now instead of merely “getting really, really close”. If your brand of Queerness is so rooted in imperialism and consumerism that you can’t separate that from blasé statements from politicians and mindless neoliberal ideology, then you and your belief system aren’t worth jack-fucking-shit.


Likely, there are points I am missing. Honestly, Pride has never been the most political or radical lately, but just this year, it has taken a terrible, racist, transphobic turn for the worse. Seriously, it is fucking sickening seeing the degrading, warped, and just messed up shit coming from the mostly White Queer contingent lately.

Remember this—stonewall was a riot!

Stonewall was a literal fucking rebellion against police brutality; it was started and fought by Trans people of color; it was endorsed by a hesitant Left who grew to accept Queer people and their struggle for freedom after this riot brought to attention the deplorable and revolutionary potential of non-White, non-gender conforming, sexual “deviants”. Because this revolutionary potential is wasted every day by traitors and assholes alike, it is particularly disgusting to see Stonewall dishonored like this and forgotten, the narrative given over to reactionaries. It is absolutely fucking horrifying to see actual Alt-Right Queers unknowingly pushing for their own demise by associating with these Queer bashing fascist fucks. Truly, the Queer community has reached a low lately; a stunning, deplorable low.

At this point, the reality is this: unless you are anti-racist, anti-fascist, and anti-capitalism, unless you support the violent and revolutionary overthrow of the capitalists, then you are playing yourself. Someday, you will end up in a concentration camp and marvel at the efficient the gas chambers, all while wondering how such an end came, probably unaware that you placed yourself there by compromising with fascism and its liberal enablers. This is the brass tax: if you are unprepared to challenge yourself and fight the dogma you have been force-fed your whole life, then expect history to repeat itself; because, let’s be honest, at this rate, history is doing just that at an incredible fucking pace.

Florida: A Symptom of Fascist Decay


Recently, a gunman opened fire in a Queer nightclub in the U.S. state of Florida. Armed with an automatic weapon and a handgun, the terrorist managed to kill at least fifty people and wound dozens more before he was killed by police as he attempted to take hostages. The attack is the worst mass-shooting in U.S. history.

What can we say about this incident? The moralist left has already had their share: it is a senseless, violent act perpetuated by someone deeply disturbed; their hearts are with everyone in this senseless tragedy. Although it is never bad to sympathize and show solidarity with those affected by terrorism, when it comes to violence against oppressed and marginalized communities, such sentimentality misses the point of why the act of violence was carried out in the first place.

In contemporary America, capitalism is, and has been for a long while, in a state of decay. Neoliberalism and neoconservatism have eroded a whole host of welfare and social programs, while, in turn, the Right-wing have gained immensely as Identity Politics have taken the stage; scientific and revolutionary ideology, meanwhile, has degenerated, with Leftist-hobby tendencies (such as Left Communism and Trotskyism), taking a more prominent level of appreciation to the point where they are seen as the official incarnations of Marxism.

This is all to say that the situation in the United States is bleak. The ruling class, moreover, knows that it is bleak and hence why they attempt to bulwark their rotting edifice by prompting identity politics. Although not a time or a place to go into detail on the nature of Queer individualism and identity politics more generally, it needs to be said that the rationale for this latest act of terrorism lies in the hands of the bourgeoisie and their advancement of postmodern Id-Pol.

We need to remember that the capitalist class is in crisis. This is why they are pushing identity politics– they want people, especially minority, oppressed, and super-exploited groups, to feel as if their community has a role to play. So, in order to accomplish this, they have launched a campaign of reform and multi-identity acceptance. Understanding that they have nothing to fear from same-sex marriage and anti-binary gender distinctions, they discarded the archaic heterosexist marriage laws and have allowed trans-queer activists to enter the political fold (so as to, like Gay and Black groups before them, have their goals ultimately usurped by the liberal bourgeois elements and thus recuperated into the superstructure as an instance of American exceptionalism).

Such a moment is done, remember, while ultra-conservative and Rightist neo-reactionary elements have thrived in a country where, under the pushing of minority Identity Politics as spearheaded by Obama the Bomber, have incited counterrevolutionary forces to the zenith of their paranoid-delusional fantasies and conspiracy theories. Under Obama, anti-Semitic, White Supremacist, Neo-Nazi groups have exploded and along with this explosion a deluge of misinformation and historical revisionism; we now see a political landscape mired with forces who view their idea of America as a thing of the past, where ‘ultra lefties, pinkos, commies,’ and the rest, have stolen the country and are indoctrinating youth with their esoteric academic views on gender and sexuality.

While much in the Leftist media have covered the violence against Black and Persons of color in this epoch of identity, little has been said in regards to Queer life. This is funny because non-heteronormative persons suffer all the same under a white-cis-hetero supremacist regime (especially, those Queer Persons of Color who, in this moment as the gunman being identified as someone from Afghan ancestry, will need solidarity which does more than express good wishes).

This brings us back to our present moment where, as over a hundred innocent people are made casualties at the hand of a terrorist, the Moralist left fails to consider the deeper ramifications of this assault; instead of organizing and publishing slogans of resistance to what is clearly a fascistic attack, the Queer and left groups are content to sentimentally mourn over this senseless tragedy instead of organizing self-defense committees and beginning the armament campaign needed to fend off fascist terror.

Fascist terror is not senseless; it is directed and rationalized. Deluded, but rational in its application: they want to “take America back” and “make America great again.” And they know how to do it.

The Leftist response to this attack should be something more than solidarity with the victims, it should, and needs to be, more than merely a sentimental tribute to the victims– it needs to be organized resistance to the white-hetero patriarchy which has fostered this death cult. It needs to be resistance led by a scientific ideal. Otherwise, we can expect to see more of these attacks without the proper means of ending the terror, all the while the further radicalization of the Right spurs ever greater means of violence.

An Irrational Polemic; or, Oppose Breeder Liberalism

The reactionary scum calling themselves human beings have been busy fucking up the world for Queers. In Uganda, Russia (and Eastern Europe in general), France, Haiti and many other places Queers live a life of fear; they are blackmailed, raped, beaten, and murdered in cold blood while the so-called “authorities” abet and aid the slimeballs who perpetrate these crimes.

                Police (re: pigs) do this because they understand that only through protecting the state, cloaked as it is in a cloth of heterosexism, that their own narrow minded interests will be continued. The pigs know that so as long as a capitalist (re: bourgeoise) apparatus is protected than their pathetic delusions concerning gender and religion will be enshrined. It is a system which perpetuates itself through the dual pillars of church and capitalism and it is one which must be destroyed.

                While in Uganda Queers are criminalized, in Russia they are legal but subject to humiliation and second-citizenship status. In France the right-wing allied with Neo-Nazi fascists to try and block the passing of the marriage for all bill. In both countries the backward tenants of Christianity hold powerful sway. The proponents of this cult have had their violence sanctified by the state. As a result the Queer minority has fallen to nearly sub-human depths.

                It is time to fight back.

Smash Liberal-Opportunism!

                The pieces of shit which dub their ideology “progressive liberalism” are nothing but capital’s left-wing. They live to serve and shield the capitalist system; as a result they have made themselves enemies of the revolutionary Queer- they must be eliminated, crushed, and outright driven under into submission.

                In the wake of Russia’s infamous Anti-Gay Propaganda bill which prohibits gay rights organizations from displaying any pro-gay materials in front of youth and bans all gay pride parades for a hundred years, in addition to the discrimination faced by Queer youth at the hands of fascist neo-nazis luring teenagers into scenarios where they are publically beaten and humiliated, the progressive liberal response to this situation has been to boycott a supposedly homophobic liquor company.

                This kind of nonsense is not confined to Russia. In the wake of learning of Chick-Fil-A’s homophobia the American scene was transformed by a campaign to boycott the popular restaurant; later on a counter-campaign to support the bigots was launched. What does this mean? Primarily that regardless of location the progressive liberal is focused more on reorganizing capital than advancing the Queer working class.

                While fighting tooth and nail for publicity in these commodity campaigns doesn’t hurt the movement towards equality it neither does nothing substantial for it while ultimately leading it along a bourgeois line. Consequently this type of thinking must be combatted for not only its misleading goal of disarming a movement of revolutionary potential but for its rejection of practical methods.

Enter: Violence

                Another facet of liberal ideology is the emphasis on non-violence. They claim that great goals can be accomplished with peaceful modes of struggle. Citing examples such as Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr, they go on and on about the glorious victories stemming from a rejection of bloodshed. There is of course but a single problem: their entire argument is a load of horseshit.

                Let’s be honest: Gandhi didn’t do jack-squat while Mr.King’s movement ended in abject failure challenging only the appearance of racism and not its actual superstructure. Both examples ride on the successes of true revolutionaries who up took arms to fight for what they knew was right. Even in Queer history this is true: to gains rights and something more than “look at that goddamn fag” status, Queer in New York didn’t partition the government but rather rioted and fought the pigs with rocks, fists, and makeshift weapons during the Stonewall Rebellion.

                It is time that the degrading lies of nonviolence be rejected. Since the reactionary elements do not hesitate to use violence why shouldn’t our Queer brothers and sisters in Uganda and Russia? It is important to remember that armed Queers don’t get bashed. Since we also know that non-violence only ever results in fluffy words it is time that Queers in these Queerphobic hellholes take matters into their own hands and start shooting, bombing, and razing to the ground any and all institutions and people who get in their way; after all, a bullet shot is a bullet earned. Real progress is measured in blood, not in the amount of picket signs.

“The Only Church That Illuminates is a Burning One”

                Fuck religion, fuck the pedophile priests, and fuck the counterrevolutionary garbage which pervert the name of Jesus Christ, Abraham, and Mohammed. Such people are not worth the air they breathe. If all of them were to be shot en mass I would consider it their own fault.

                A common tactic of the hopelessly deluded is to dub Queer people pedophiles. This is known in all of the countries listed plus a great deal of others who have erected police forces which refuse to help Queer people after they have been wronged on the grounds that gay men and lesbian woman are pedophiles and hence are subject to arrest. While this goes on the church, in its filthy depravity, covers up the abuse which young boys and girls suffer at the hands of their sickening “priests”.

                The real pedophiles are the pulpit pounders not Queer people!

                Religion only exists to serve capitalism and undermine class consciousness. It is used by the ruling class as an instrument to dull the fury of class warfare by redirecting hatred to invisible sources: “it was God’s judgment that that worker died; he became too greedy for more money by demanding a rise when instead he should have been content with the pay he had.” Had the Church been a legitimately progressive influence on society (I.E. fighting for social justice) it would have been expunged at the start of capitalism.

                Through the Religionist nutjobs Queerphobia is best spread. With the Bible’s numerous instances of Queerphobia the hate of Breeders is tied to it foot and hand.

Oppose Breeder Politics: Eradicate Heterosexism!

                Heterosexism is defined as believing that heterosexuals are superior to homosexuals and other Queer minorities. Yeah, and ice will stay cool in an oven. Give me a fucking break. In terms of reactionary levels these people, these Breeders, are the worst of the worse.

                I will give to them that heterosexuals have been superior in fucking up the world but beyond that I am not willing to compromise on much: in-between reproducing on such a scale that tens-of-thousands of people die a day, to creating the nuclear family and all of the dysfunction which travels in monogamous relationships, the Breeders have done a superb job at becoming superior in terms of proving who is the bigger monster: heteros or homos (Psst… the answer is heteros).

                The unsavory truth is that neither gay nor straight are superior to one another: both are equal (shocking!). Heterosexism is no different from racism, nationalism, or religion. It is an absurd fantasy promoted by the backward as a means to promulgate their rancid lifestyle. Nothing more. As conscious revolutionary Queers the task at hand is to unite all aspects of the working class to battle reaction yet before this can be achieved heterosexism must be firmly dealt with.

Towards A Queer Future

                How does one go about in forging a future which is Queer friendly? Good question. Unfortunately I do not have the answers to that. I can say that it starts with abolishing religion, rejecting capitalism as a viable system, embracing violence, and battling liberalism while upholding a revolutionary communist line. Beyond that though… I haven’t the slightest idea (*wink* *wink*).

Class Narratives in Video Games

The communist gamer?

Below is a link to my recent article for the Kasama Project. The piece deals with the role, or lack therefore of, which video games possess in the class struggle; how does labor, warfare, and ideological narratives play a role in the formation of our society’s spectacle? In this polemic I attempt to unearth some of the possibilities as as well as the modern reality of the medium. Click the following link to read it and join in on the discussion…

Link: http://kasamaproject.org/threads/entry/class-narratives-in-video-games

The Queer Project Report #6

Kicking things off this past week we see Democratic Party lawmakers attempting to gather the two-thirds majority votes needed in order to overturn Governor Chris Christie’s veto of the 2012 marriage equality bill. The proponents have until 2014 to gather said signatures. This is not surprising as it continues the Democratic Party’s trend of entrenching themselves in the malaise of False Progressivism. To further hijack the Queer liberation movement they have been dedicated to championing the cause of the “middle class” homosexuals while turning its revolutionary potential into merely another bourgeois layer in the nascent American working class.

The effects, or lack of positive effects, of this line of thought can be seen in the case of one of the gay murder suspects. Police believe to have made more progress in their hypothesis in that the murderer used gay chat rooms to lure their victims. Hiring an Italian investigator this private eye uncovered some strange details concerning the murderer in that he pretended to be a British MI5 agent. Here we see the decaying tenants of bourgeois ideology taking on the form of reactionary serial killers all to further the cause of heterosexism.  This development is expected for as capitalism continues in its current destruction cycle we Queer Revolutionaries expect for the harbingers of para-fascist convention to try and utilize the ruling class’s instruments in order to expand and legitimize their criminal efforts.

Obviously the movement in the first world has suffered greatly. Yet there is hope that within the third-world, places where imperialism has ravaged and where revolutionary movements are likely to emerge, that the Queer movement will learn from the past and endorse clear-cut positions on society while fighting to preserve their integrity. This is seen in the case of sixteen year old Enamullah, an Afghani youth who recently became the youngest person in Afghanistan history to have gender reassignment surgery. Transitioning into manhood from womanhood, young Enamullah has, together with Afghanistan’s other progressive activists, shown the world and their country’s native reactionaries that the honor of Queer people will not be infringed upon by barbarism.

We can only hope that such bravery persists after the Western occupation forces withdraw and Taliban control is ushered back in. If it does then this persistence will have shown the world that despite hardships and loss the Queer working class of the world preservers. Above all it will show the Western Queer people on how to be brave and how, hopefully, to become revolutionary again.

Glenn to Lenin: My Transformation

Did you know I used to be a fascist? Well, perhaps not fascist exactly but pretty damn close. Yeah, before I became ‘right with the left’ (notice the religious hyperbole) I believed some crazy shit and spewed even crazier shit. Anyway, not everything is set in stone. No, I changed and know everyone else can change as well assuming the person in question opens their mind and thinks independently. Had I never broken away from the radical right I wouldn’t be who I am today nor would I have abandoned my asinine beliefs, sought out knowledge which was than exotic or evolved into the humanist I am today.

Evolution is a fitting term for no other word in the English language can accurately describe my transformation. Indeed, for ‘once upon a time’ I was a Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh loving American ultra- nationalist. Young and naïve I believed every inch of their nonsense. Eventually, I would even take their ideology further and come to believe that they didn’t go far enough in their quest to protect America from the coming communist threat.

I first started watching Glenn Beck when I was stuck in the quagmire of early adolescence. Perhaps 13 was the age when I first I watched Glenn on CNN. In those early days, when he could still perhaps be called a ‘moderate,’ I watched him at first for two reasons: 1) Because I was bored and thought viewing political stories might make the day slightly more interesting and 2) Because back then he made sense.

I continued watching his show in the coming years and began to view it nearly every day. I hung on what he said and fumed when I heard the travesties he reported on. The more and more he talked the more I was sure that the American nation was going to collapse without a strong radical force taking control and purging it of the conspiratorial left- wing infiltrators.

Illegal immigrants taking jobs from hard working Americans, a government soft on terrorism that refused to invade Iran, a president which lacked the spine necessary to build a border fence, and the constant attacks against the undersupplied military were all major concerns of mine. Also high on the list was the stunning accepting atmosphere that the evil progressives held. Something needed to give. I knew that the ideas put forth from Glenn’s line of thinking would prevail if given the chance.

As I continued watching his program and sunk deeper and deeper into his web of fantasy I gradually developed my own chain of extremist thinking; a variant which radicalized Glenn’s thoughts and brought his vision for America into the reality which would overcome the agenda put forth by the liberals and progressives.

My new train of thought was sociopathic… to put it lightly. Among the vast amounts of ultra-reactionary gems were: A massive militarized border wall needed to be built (10 feet high and lined with watchtowers and armed guards) straight across from one side of the southern and northern border, mandatory citizenry background checks for all employees (Private and public sector), a massively increased military budget (one which would be capable of occupying several more nations if need be) with a massively increased standing army (a million or so just wasn’t large enough for me), a suspension of freedom of the press, speech and assembly until the left-wing menace was wiped out, a massive crackdown (i.e. arrests) of all perceived radical Muslim leaders and prohibition of worship in such mosques, and, if need be, a massive nuclear bombing campaign directed at most if Asia and the Middle East.

Since I had lost faith in the republicans to accomplish such things and didn’t know of the existence of any other political parties, I created my own ideal group (all in my head, of course). This new group would be the catalyst, the vessel in which America was restored to its former glory!  Dubbed ‘The American Imperial Party,’ this new power would cast aside all the Marxist ranting riddled in contemporary American culture and impose strict new laws which would never harm corporations or say to a capitalist that they ‘made too much money.’

While such a creation was merely the brainchild of an angsty teenager it is nonetheless important to note that I earnestly believed such dribble with an ironclad will. I grew upset, angry and confused when those around me couldn’t see the injustices raining down from the courts and government. I was incapable of comprehending why others tolerated such leftist talk when it was all lies. The more I resented those around me the more I succumb to the venom of the extreme right.

The change wouldn’t come for a number of years and when it did it was certainly draped in the power of my own odd desire to understand the world. While during such times I resented the revolutionary left, often conflating it with the run-of-the-mill progressives, I would nonetheless be interested in who they were as people.

I remember the first event that displayed my desire to learn, this was also the first noticeable period of time when I sought out knowledge which was in opposition to my own so it is important to note. I was watching Glenn Beck (surprise, surprise!) and he was ranting on about how an educators march for better benefits was actually a far- left orchestration. To prove this he scrolled a long list of organizations involved in the march. Among the vast amounts of groups were many progressive and left- wing groups. Among the list of groups, however, one stood out among all others: Youth for Socialist Action. It showed only briefly but I was instantly taken aback by them and had the impulse to write down their name. Why I wanted to write this group down among all others I didn’t know; perhaps it had to do with the youth aspect since it only seemed naturally about why young people would accept such a barbaric ideology.

Months later I finally had the opportunity to search for the group I had written down. We had just discovered our landlords had a wireless connection (prior to my only access to the world was through the television) so I was able to access the internet via my PlayStation 3. In Google, I typed in the words “Youth for Socialist Action.” I found my group quickly and was immediately repelled and fascinated. The pictures of young socialists testifying why they were against capitalism, the historical quotes from Lenin, Trotsky, Rosa Luxemburg, and others, and the links upon progressive links astounded me. I was disgusted by their animation of a cartoon character holding a sign that said “Capitalism sucks” yet at the same time intrigued by the reality facet; that actual young people organized their social lives around such ideas.

In the coming months, I would occasionally pop in on the site. More just to relive the feelings than anything actual but it was a starting point. The next major event would take place sometime later, perhaps as much as a year later when I was about 17. I was posting on a site for queer teenagers when one of the newbies introduced himself as a socialist. My exact words fail me but I and he quickly took to arguing. Eventually, after a pointless back and forth, he linked me to Revleft and said that they would be able to answer my questions/accusations far better than what he was capable of doing.

I could have ignored the site and never bothered to follow the link… I could have deleted the message and went back to the Satanist forum that had piqued my interest recently, but I didn’t. Maybe it was my sense of ‘honor’ but I told myself, “Fine, I will go on there and read some things, do a bit of posting then go back to that unpatriotic asshole and tell him off knowing that I gave his traitor site a chance.” Oh, how things turned out!

My first moments on the site were awkward. Overwhelmed by the sheer amount of members (I had previously only been on very low member forums), topics, and ideology I lost my way quickly and ended up more in the learning forum as my exclusive place of residence. Not even knowing about an introduction forum I gave my intro in the same post I asked questions on. Known back then as Wanderer I asked the typical newcomer queries: What is the difference between socialism and communism, what is socialism, what is [X] tendency and so on. As a ultra-nationalist I defended absurd positions (such as support for the nuclear bombings in the second world war) but never carried on lengthy debates (as I saw my presence there as a strictly learning oriented one) for I was still frustrated by all the leftist concepts that my all mighty Beck never mentioned: the military industrial complex, the prison industrial complex (seriously, how many complexes are there?!… I said to myself), planned economies, the intent of Marx and so forth. Oddly enough I was never restricted.

My transformation, however, was not by any means instant. It took months of considerations and learning before I finally decided I was a socialist and it took even longer before I began to defend my positions on other sites. I manually copied down lengthy manifestos and seriously studied leftist topics. I was extremely weary when others used the terms “Imperialist, bourgeois, and proletarian,” and I often felt out of place in such an alien world. However, not all were bad. When I discovered Revleft’s myriad user groups I felt some hope: I saw that leftist had an interest in video games, movies, space exploration, writing, sports- I saw that they were human and not a cult. It was an odd realization for someone who had assumed that every leftist was a hardcore activist that did nothing else but antagonize hard working business men. I felt more secure and at ease.

Revleft served as my learning zone. And difficult learning was for amid all the clashing definitions I routinely had headaches trying to understand how each tendency interacted with on another.  As I learned more I lost sight of my old views. Reading, discovering the leftist perspective to history, and contemplating how the world should be run gradually led to massive change. I had dropped each of my reactionary views and adopted progressive ones. Beliefs which I once held as dogma gradually faded into the background as forgotten lore.

My political transformation signaled a new step when after talking with a comrade I finally decided to join the youth branch of Socialist Action (the aforementioned “Youth for Socialist Action); the oddities of enlisting with the very group which first brought me over to my first legitimate leftist spectacle was not lost on me. Though I do not believe in any superstition it is nonetheless amazing when such events transpire.

Today I am a Pan-Leftist who believes that there is no “right way” to bring about revolution; I am a fierce advocate for the queer struggle, a tireless writer and theorist, a dedicated activist, and a loyal soldier in the fight against capitalism. I triumphed over my time in the far- right, learned the nuances of the left and now am the only thing a decent, well-politicked human can be: A socialist.

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