About Degrading Flith: A Pride Month Statement

It is nearly over, that awful spectacle which happens every year—(No) Pride Month, a time where liberal and progressive Queers congregate to congratulate themselves on being asswipes.

You may think I am being too harsh but the opposite is true, if anything, I am not being harsh enough because after the shit I have seen this month, I know I am not being as critical as I should warrant. What shit, you ask? Well, let me lay it out for you.

  • Pig Pride and the Shit’s Collaborators: Police have no place in Pride. In case you forgot, police were the thugs who brutalized, raped, and murdered Queer people. Especially, working class Queer people. Frankly, I don’t give a shit if some Gay or Lesbian or Trans gender pig gets their feelings hurt at being excluded. Why don’t I care? Don’t you care, you scream, about ALL Queer Lives? My curt answer is “No”, I do not. I don’ give a rat’s fucking ass about pigs or their lives. They are enemies of the working class and should be treated as such: as far as I am concerned, Queer pigs are traitors to their community: you can’t uphold the idea of equality and equity while upholding those who promoted your genocide just a few decades ago. Fuck off.


  • Racists, Fascists, and Shit Galore: Oh, and also, fuck off if you were one of those racist, White shitheads who piss and moan about the Queer Black-Brown Pride flag or actually thanked the fucking pigs at physically arming and arresting anti-Police brutality activists who blocked your marches trying to raise awareness about the violence working class Queers face every day. Let me make this absolutely plain—FUCK OFF RACIST MOTHERFUCKERS! This applies doubly to Zionist Pride marchers who like to shout “anti-Semitism” every time their horseshit gets rejected by organizers; no, your fascist fucking asses don’t belong anywhere in Pride, not as long as Palestinians lead a second-class existence under the heel of Apartheid Israel. Take your whining and shove it up your fucking ass. Same goes for your Alt-Right love-affair with the Neo-Nazi sympathizer Milo Yannopoopylopoous and the general love-affair which demonizes Islam. Just in case the first time wasn’t rammed through your skull, let me yell again—YOU CAN’T BE QUEER AND CONSERVATIVE AND NOT BE A TRAITOR! Open a goddamn history book.


  • Corporate Dicksuckers (the Bad kind of Dicksuckers): I am going to say this: every. single. Year. Is. The. Same. Damn. Thing. Fucking honestly. I have no idea why otherwise intelligent and honest Queers rejoice for joy whenever there is a lot of corporate sponsors for the Pride parade. Asshole, use your fucking brain for something other than promoting homophobic anti-Trump conspiracy theories—corporations do not care the fuck about you! Picture after fucking picture is the same: logo this, slogan that; these capitalist bastards pay a small sum to have you float their fucking banner so they can pretend like they are bastions of fucking tolerance when it was literally fucking years ago that they didn’t even give their Queer employees benefits or recognize their Union in any fucking way. Stop being a goddamn collaborationist jackass and reject corporate sabotaging of your identity as a Queer person. Stop the corporate-capitalist bastardization of YOUR history!


  • Queer Mass-Murderers and Jizzing for Clinton: Some time ago I saw a protest sign which read something to the extent of “If Hillary won we’d be at brunch right now”. This one sign summed up everything which is wrong with the Queer community. Even decades ago, when Gay Liberation was first getting off the ground, there was a concentrated effort by radicals to stop the “plastic Gay” culture from breeding; all the revolutionary manifestoes mentioned it. But, lately, it was accelerated big time and it reeks of fascistic opportunism. Signs like this reveal the privileged, racist complacency of so many in the Gay community who can only articulate politics through the spineless, warmongering lens of the Democratic Party. Sure, let’s ignore the cishet liberals who rapidly morphed into the liberal version of the tea party, complete with anti-communism, pro-war anti-Russian narratives, absurd conspiracy theories about the president, and twisted logic which promoted their “values” through homophobic memes featuring Putin and Trump. Let’s ignore all that; even then, the fact that Queerness can’t mean anything outside of the Russia-bashing is just pathetic and is part of what is egging on another world war or nuclear conflict. Now more than ever, people should be joining a revolutionary anti-capitalist organization. Yet, instead, they have been shilling for an opportunistic imperialist (Hillary Clinton) who just a few short years ago didn’t even support Gay Marriage and whose racist, genocidal bloodthirst has destroyed Libya and constantly egged on further conflict. I’m going to say the truth: I’m “glad” Trump won because if Killary won, we would be at war with Russia right now instead of merely “getting really, really close”. If your brand of Queerness is so rooted in imperialism and consumerism that you can’t separate that from blasé statements from politicians and mindless neoliberal ideology, then you and your belief system aren’t worth jack-fucking-shit.


Likely, there are points I am missing. Honestly, Pride has never been the most political or radical lately, but just this year, it has taken a terrible, racist, transphobic turn for the worse. Seriously, it is fucking sickening seeing the degrading, warped, and just messed up shit coming from the mostly White Queer contingent lately.

Remember this—stonewall was a riot!

Stonewall was a literal fucking rebellion against police brutality; it was started and fought by Trans people of color; it was endorsed by a hesitant Left who grew to accept Queer people and their struggle for freedom after this riot brought to attention the deplorable and revolutionary potential of non-White, non-gender conforming, sexual “deviants”. Because this revolutionary potential is wasted every day by traitors and assholes alike, it is particularly disgusting to see Stonewall dishonored like this and forgotten, the narrative given over to reactionaries. It is absolutely fucking horrifying to see actual Alt-Right Queers unknowingly pushing for their own demise by associating with these Queer bashing fascist fucks. Truly, the Queer community has reached a low lately; a stunning, deplorable low.

At this point, the reality is this: unless you are anti-racist, anti-fascist, and anti-capitalism, unless you support the violent and revolutionary overthrow of the capitalists, then you are playing yourself. Someday, you will end up in a concentration camp and marvel at the efficient the gas chambers, all while wondering how such an end came, probably unaware that you placed yourself there by compromising with fascism and its liberal enablers. This is the brass tax: if you are unprepared to challenge yourself and fight the dogma you have been force-fed your whole life, then expect history to repeat itself; because, let’s be honest, at this rate, history is doing just that at an incredible fucking pace.

On #HeterosexualPrideDay

*gasp followed by dramatic music* …is it okay?!?!?!

To those who celebrate this hashtag, to those who support it and have been fighting for the day when heterosexuals are able to march in a parade and celebrate their genitals without fear of persecution—I salute you!

Just kidding.

Actually, you are a piece of shit. You are nothing but a backward, counterrevolutionary sympathizer who, incidentally, falls prey to fascistic ideology in your hurried, and deeply confused, liberal sensibilities.

There is nothing about heterosexuality to be proud about. You reproduce—what is your fucking point? Are you persecuted, have you been disowned by your family for being straight, have religious leaders denounced your sexuality, equated you with pedophiles and banned you from religious life? Do Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists call for your execution? As a teenager did you ever run the risk of attempting to hook up with someone online only to be captured and publicly tortured by fascists? Does the state take extra pains to criminalize your amorous activities and simple day-to-day routine? Did you have to wage a decades’ long battle to marry your significant other only to have the courts step in an grant you marriage after they were sick and tired of seeing you “radicalize” youth? Was high school a living hell for you with everyone—including those supposedly oppressed ”nerds” and “geeks” calling you hate-words, calling you faggot, while they beat you up and raped you? Did you… honestly, I could go on but what I am trying to say is this—you have nothing, absolutely fucking nothing, to be proud about because you never faced persecution for simply existing. As such you do not get a “heterosexual pride day.” You have nothing to celebrate because you never had to reaffirm your identity in the face of violence unparalleled.

(For a defense of Gay Pride see here)

We live in a time of reaction. Identity politics has muddled ideology; once a sign which meant that the oppressed could have some semblance of respect, the counterrevolutionary forces, deeply imbued with a perverted conception of liberal humanism, have twisted identity politics into such a manner that it negates minority identities, suffusing it under the rancid banner of “equality” and “diversity” and ‘everyone is the same’ ideology.

Nothing happens in a vacuum. Ideology works in deceitful ways. The kind of liberal humanist ideology which we see in North America, that which stresses the false vacuum of class collaboration and mono-identity, has been hard at work to recombine these disparate activist strata, people who had become disenfranchised with the mass of violence directed at them and so took up arms against the body politic, back into the body politic; this is why after #BlackLivesMatter you see #AllLivesMatter and now, after #GayPride you see #HeterosexualPride, why after a horrific massacre left dozens dead in Orlando, these same people were fast at work in watering down the horrific violence by redirecting the nature of the violence (they said, remember, that Orlando was not the worst massacre in U.S history, and quickly gave confusing diatribes on Wounded Knee and others). It is not a slogan but rather pure reactionary ideology.

What the proponents of these hashtags would like you to believe is this: we all are equal and so everyone deserves a time to celebrate their identities; that, if some of the oppressors gave some of their time and energy to the oppressed then, at a time in the future when the oppressed are given a somewhat longer chain, then they—the oppressors who helped the oppressed—should be given all the grandeur of empowerment which the oppressed gave themselves.

Again, this is horseshit and, more often than not, white savior nonsense (a great deal of the activist stratum in North America, remember, is White middle class liberals preaching to white lower-middle class conservatives). You, as a heterosexual person, deserve nothing in return for your effort in helping the oppressed gain some equality or identity; it is the simple and most humane thing that can be expected of a person, to help another break the chains or become empowered to break it themselves. You do so because you cannot stand injustice and understand the systems of oppression when you see it, not because you want something in return one day, like a crying toddler.

The people promoting such beliefs, these hashtags and what they mean, are not your allies. These people have goals antithetical toward your own. They are white supremacists, heterosexist bigots who are actively attempting to recuperate bigotry and hatemongry into public discourse; in short, they are like Donald Trump, people who are experts in Double Speak and would like you to believe that their intentions are purely those of a conservative nature when, in reality, they are supported openly by swastika bearing Rightists. Their goals is the elevation of the nuclear family, the so-called ‘sanctity of marriage’ and the preservation of the racial and economic apparatuses which support those goals, apparati which are irreconcilable with true equality.

Believe it or not, this hashtag is not about you; it is not even about heterosexuality, per Se. It is about homosexuality and about how Rightist feel threatened by the gains made by gay and trans-gender activists. It is about bigots and conservatives attempting to relapse their hate into one which is socially acceptable, disguised as it is by liberal humanist horseshit. It has nothing to do with ‘celebrating their accomplishments as allies’ and everything to do with minimizing and negating the Queer identity. They do this because they seek to smash #QueerPride and erect a hetero-supremacist dictatorship in the concrete. They want to use our own weapons against them and this we cannot allow. We must, by whatever means, frustrate this attempt and eradicate it from historical memory.

Say NO to #HeterosexualPride

Say NO to the comprador Queer who supports it!

Say NO to Fascism!

Florida: A Symptom of Fascist Decay


Recently, a gunman opened fire in a Queer nightclub in the U.S. state of Florida. Armed with an automatic weapon and a handgun, the terrorist managed to kill at least fifty people and wound dozens more before he was killed by police as he attempted to take hostages. The attack is the worst mass-shooting in U.S. history.

What can we say about this incident? The moralist left has already had their share: it is a senseless, violent act perpetuated by someone deeply disturbed; their hearts are with everyone in this senseless tragedy. Although it is never bad to sympathize and show solidarity with those affected by terrorism, when it comes to violence against oppressed and marginalized communities, such sentimentality misses the point of why the act of violence was carried out in the first place.

In contemporary America, capitalism is, and has been for a long while, in a state of decay. Neoliberalism and neoconservatism have eroded a whole host of welfare and social programs, while, in turn, the Right-wing have gained immensely as Identity Politics have taken the stage; scientific and revolutionary ideology, meanwhile, has degenerated, with Leftist-hobby tendencies (such as Left Communism and Trotskyism), taking a more prominent level of appreciation to the point where they are seen as the official incarnations of Marxism.

This is all to say that the situation in the United States is bleak. The ruling class, moreover, knows that it is bleak and hence why they attempt to bulwark their rotting edifice by prompting identity politics. Although not a time or a place to go into detail on the nature of Queer individualism and identity politics more generally, it needs to be said that the rationale for this latest act of terrorism lies in the hands of the bourgeoisie and their advancement of postmodern Id-Pol.

We need to remember that the capitalist class is in crisis. This is why they are pushing identity politics– they want people, especially minority, oppressed, and super-exploited groups, to feel as if their community has a role to play. So, in order to accomplish this, they have launched a campaign of reform and multi-identity acceptance. Understanding that they have nothing to fear from same-sex marriage and anti-binary gender distinctions, they discarded the archaic heterosexist marriage laws and have allowed trans-queer activists to enter the political fold (so as to, like Gay and Black groups before them, have their goals ultimately usurped by the liberal bourgeois elements and thus recuperated into the superstructure as an instance of American exceptionalism).

Such a moment is done, remember, while ultra-conservative and Rightist neo-reactionary elements have thrived in a country where, under the pushing of minority Identity Politics as spearheaded by Obama the Bomber, have incited counterrevolutionary forces to the zenith of their paranoid-delusional fantasies and conspiracy theories. Under Obama, anti-Semitic, White Supremacist, Neo-Nazi groups have exploded and along with this explosion a deluge of misinformation and historical revisionism; we now see a political landscape mired with forces who view their idea of America as a thing of the past, where ‘ultra lefties, pinkos, commies,’ and the rest, have stolen the country and are indoctrinating youth with their esoteric academic views on gender and sexuality.

While much in the Leftist media have covered the violence against Black and Persons of color in this epoch of identity, little has been said in regards to Queer life. This is funny because non-heteronormative persons suffer all the same under a white-cis-hetero supremacist regime (especially, those Queer Persons of Color who, in this moment as the gunman being identified as someone from Afghan ancestry, will need solidarity which does more than express good wishes).

This brings us back to our present moment where, as over a hundred innocent people are made casualties at the hand of a terrorist, the Moralist left fails to consider the deeper ramifications of this assault; instead of organizing and publishing slogans of resistance to what is clearly a fascistic attack, the Queer and left groups are content to sentimentally mourn over this senseless tragedy instead of organizing self-defense committees and beginning the armament campaign needed to fend off fascist terror.

Fascist terror is not senseless; it is directed and rationalized. Deluded, but rational in its application: they want to “take America back” and “make America great again.” And they know how to do it.

The Leftist response to this attack should be something more than solidarity with the victims, it should, and needs to be, more than merely a sentimental tribute to the victims– it needs to be organized resistance to the white-hetero patriarchy which has fostered this death cult. It needs to be resistance led by a scientific ideal. Otherwise, we can expect to see more of these attacks without the proper means of ending the terror, all the while the further radicalization of the Right spurs ever greater means of violence.

Freedom for CeCeMcdonald

It has been a long road for CeCe Mcdonald. After unjustly being imprisoned for an act of self-defense in which two of her attackers died, she is finally being released from the prisons of capitalist America. The announcement came from the website of the “correctional facility” in which CeCe was being held; the date foe her expected release is January 13th, a date which she is undoubtedly highly anticipating. 

CeCe, who has been described as the youth which she lived with as a caring, thoughtful person, is a Trans-woman of color. One night upon patronage of a local convenient store, however, she was set upon by several Skinhead Neo-Nazis. A brawl ensured by which CeCe fought back and managed to kill several of the fascist scumbags while severely wounding another. For this act though she was unjustly condemned by the heterosexist courts and incarcerated.

Now, however, thanks to the unending activism and advocacy of progressive and revolutionary activists both in and without the Queer community the pigs have bowed to public pressure. Many months of stringent battles led to the impending date. Truly this is an accomplishment which would be impossible without the dedication of many justice loving people all across the United States and beyond. All of those who raised awareness for CeCe’s cause and those who kept watch deserve a warm handshake in thanks. As legendary communist guerrilla fighter Che Guevara once said, “if you tremble indignation then you are a comrade of mine.”

Alliance for the Common Good

The organizations pose for a picture as Native People speak.

Within our highly stratified society there exists two trends inside the activist movement: those who advocate for revolution and those who advocate for reform. Sad to say that despite over a decade of Imperialist war, corporate profiteering and increasing levels of income disparities, the latter trend is still predominant. This is not surprising, of course. It takes time for any kind of alternative to present itself and develop.

On the eighth of January the beginning of a possible alternative, the fetus, took shape in the form of the Alliance for the Common Good. Highly reformist and class collaborationist, the alliance was a self-described united front. Environmental, anti-war,  pro-youth, pro-queer and more were represented. The goal of the alliance is to promote an agenda which benefits “one and all” or, as otherwise stated, the common good.

Coordinating with the indigenous population of Maine the organizers of the rally stood in solidarity with the Natives and the “Idle No More” movement; locales from the Penobscot Tribe spoke and sang native songs before and after speakers bellowed slogans and brief speeches against the East-West Highway.

The chosen location for the first alliance rally was in the city of Augusta. Outdoor chanting and co-mingling outside of the state house soon developed into rekindling of friendships from the progressive past. I took part as well. Chatting with some Occupy colleagues, that encased a discussion on my facial fair and organic food preparation,   the atmosphere was warm and friendly. After chatting I wandered some to meet other activist friends and while doing so was ensconced by a reporter from the Free Press. After a brief interview as to why I was there, where I represented the Kasama Project, I listened to the first of many speeches prior to moving indoors.

Once indoors, and done with the lengthy security procedure, I snacked on a doughnut and waited for all the participants to file in. In short order (15 or so minutes) everyone was gathered. Songs began and the natives spoke. Hearing their wonderful chanting was what I considered the highlight of the day.

While there were other activities before my leaving, such as petitioning the newly returned legislators on various progressive causes, the kind woman who I relied on for transportation needed to leave early, so I couldn’t see how that turned out. Yet through it all the event was an auspicious start to what could be a bright future for progressive, and hopefully radical, activism.

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